Tapestry House Wedding | Fort Collins Wedding Photographer

Kristin and Jordan.

Tapestry House wedding; Fort Collins, Colorado Andy Barnhart Photography; Fort Collins Wedding PhotographerTapestry House wedding; Bridal party High Park Fire in Fort Collins, Colorado

Venue: Tapestry House

  • Lisa - Gorgeous wedding! Kristin has really amazing, expressive eyes, and they seem so sweet together. Great work capturing their wedding, Andy, the story you told is one of love and joy for sure!June 22, 2012 – 10:47 pmReplyCancel

  • Johanna - What a sweet, sweet couple. Love the venue 🙂June 23, 2012 – 11:01 amReplyCancel

  • James Fear - Love your work one of the best story tellers in the business and your processing is wonderfulJune 23, 2012 – 11:36 amReplyCancel

  • james - Beautiful work, its hard to pick a favourite, but i love your bridal party shots!June 23, 2012 – 4:04 pmReplyCancel

  • Tyler - great processing and documenting. rad work.June 24, 2012 – 1:40 amReplyCancel

  • Porter - GORGEOUS work andy! love your processing, especially on the bridals of her before the ceremony, seriously beautifulJune 24, 2012 – 2:20 pmReplyCancel

  • Lyn Ismael-Bennett - I just love that first couple’s portrait 🙂June 24, 2012 – 2:24 pmReplyCancel

  • Petar - Great work Andy…last one is WOW!June 24, 2012 – 3:55 pmReplyCancel

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